
Monday, July 2, 2018

Sustainable Gardening

 About Thyme!

Food for thought, grow and eat local, a must-have seasoning ingredient in many Trini dishes and a must have in my garden. Thymus vulgaris commonly known as thyme with its origins from the Mediterranean region is an evergreen herb with culinary, medicinal and ornamental uses. Here in T&T, this herb is known as either French thyme, Spanish thyme or small-leaf thyme. It is best cultivated in a hot, sunny location with well-drained soil and tolerates drought well. It can be propagated by seed, cuttings, or dividing rooted sections of the plant. Here in the tropics thyme grows year-round. 
The taste of this leaf is pleasantly aromatic and delightfully refreshing. The leaves are strongly flavoured and make an excellent addition to stuffing’s for meats and preparation of fresh chutneys.
French and Spanish Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)

Thymol, an antiseptic, is an active ingredient found in thyme used in various commercially produced mouthwashes and alcohol-free hand sanitizers. Researchers have found that by infusing the herb in water it can be used for whooping cough, asthma and bronchitis. In traditional medicine it’s regarded as a good remedy to soothe stomach cramps, headaches and gas.


  1. Thanks for all that information.. I love gardening myself...and its great that you have this blog..being here in Brooklyn,New York.. I'm only able to garden outside in the summer..but I have a few plants inside close to the window so they can get the sunlight during the winter months..well,keep up the great work & keep more the info coming..

    1. Thanks, and stay tune for more interesting stuff next week. Thanks for visiting my blog.:)

  2. This blog is really making me continue to s appreciate home gardening & embracing the gifts of nature thorough the benefits of these plants. God is truly amazing in providing what we need. Thank you for this info.

  3. This blog is really making me continue to appreciate home gardening & embracing the gifts of nature thorough the benefits of these plants. God is truly amazing in providing what we need. Thank you for this info.

  4. Thanks this blog is great thanks for these wonderful information
    My boyfriend is suffering with leg cramps so I will use all these remides for his cure

    1. Please use one remedy at a time and look forward for my next post

  5. Am going to get some immediately for my Bad Gas Pains
    Thanks for the information this blog is really informative
